Why are Summit Machine links different? I get asked that often. I mean really, how can this product be different than what others offer? It is material and a little machine work...right? Yes, and a big...fat...NO! Here are 5 reasons our links are the best.
1. Material. We don't just use any material. Some may be okay with Ebay aluminum, online metals warehouse aluminum, or what we affectionately refer to a "chaluminum" (aka Chinese aluminum.) We aren't. I only buy 7075-T6 grade material from a handful of mills. Mostly of them are North American, but there are some out of our borders that are acceptable.
Why does this matter? Because of what goes into the material. People are considering going to 7075 aluminum links as an upgrade over DOM, so why cut corners on quality? Asian mills just simply do not have the QC standards to meet our qualifications. We have gotten Asian materials before, we have machined it before. A supplier can talk to me until they are blue in the face to try to convince the material is the same as a quality mill. They can supply me any certification showing me the minerals and alloys in each breakdown the same. It machines different. Bottom line. There is no lying in machining or welding. That is the true test. It is not the same. Therefore, it doesn't meet our standards and we won't use it. Not only does the quality fall short, but bottom line is we have to do all we can to make sure links do not fail. Sure, on a rock crawl it is an inconvenience. On the highway it is catastrophic.

2. We are a Machine Shop. That is the foundation of Summit Machine and sets us apart. We are not an offroad shop. We understand machining and machining principals. We have an entire room full of inspection and test equipment (very expensive I may add) to ensure tolerances are met. We have gauges to measure threads to ensure they are made properly. We know what needs to be done to make a part correctly.
3. Renderings. When you need something custom engraved we will send you a model rendering so you can see what the end result will look like. (As a side note, we do this on most custom parts provided to us as well that do not come with a drawing.) Who doesn't want a sneak peak at what amazingness awaits them?
4. Aesthetics. Our lead machininst, Jimmy, has an eye for this. All parts are designed and passed through him before they go into production. He knows how to make a part and make it look beautiful. Not only with speeds and feeds for surface finish, but with lines, radii and chamfers. Those may seem like small things, but the little things make a big difference.
5. Service. We work to provide a high level of customer service to build customer loyalty. We partner with our customers to make sure they are getting the correct part for their needs and the application is correct. Correct diameter, correct length for adjustability, correct rod ends. I have denied business many times. I won't sell something that I know will fail or I know will end up with the customer unhappy. We are here for a long term relationship.
This is how Summit Machine is able to maintain is great reputation. They aren't just links to us. They are a product in which you are spending your hard earned money on. If you chose to spend it with us, we valued and appreciate your choice.