Rocksanne Earns Her Stripes at the 2017 Tierra Del Sol

Jocelyn Fechner, Staff Writer

Money Pit Classifieds attended the 55th annual Terra Del Sol in Ocotillo Wells State Vehicle Recreation Area and Truckhaven 4×4 Training Center. This area draws a lot of spectators just waiting for that perfect run or the inevitable roll over or body damage. There was plenty of fun wheeling to be had on all of the man-made obstacles in the training center to test your vehicle’s ability and your driving skills.


We were parked just outside the main entrance to the training center for a clear view of all the action and easy access to the trails to the north of Truckhaven including the Notches, the Mail Box and the Phone Booth.

We may or may not have (but most definitely did) lay Rocksanne on her side going the hard way up to the Phone Booth. The Money Pit Classifieds buggy is well equipped to run the hardest lines and we love to give them a try… even if that means sustaining some bumps.

We were out all day Saturday running trails and handing out coupons for free listings on MPC. We returned to camp in late afternoon to put together a meal and have a beverage or two while the $150k raffle was taking place in the vendor area. After the raffle was complete we witnessed one of the best fireworks shows put on by the San Diego 4 Wheel Drive Club.


Each year after the fireworks show many people head to the famous “notches” to witness the complete and utter chaos that is the notches. The notches area is a very tame run off channel that almost any vehicle could navigate but during TDS, what seems like thousands of people made their way to watch a few wheeling warriors try to jump over small humps in the terrain, often jumping directly into the crowd testing their brakes and the bystander’s reflexes.


After the notches we returned back to camp about 1:30 am to enjoy one more drink under the desert stars before turning in.

TDS is an event everyone should experience at least once. Keep an eye out for dates for the 2018 TDS event.

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